Welcome to America Where Your Rights Don’t Matter and Being Black Gets You Shot 

I’m disgusted to be in this country. How did we become a place where sitting through the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance gets you death threats? How did we become a country where exercising your first amendment rights is considered an insult to this country and what it stands for? HOW? Protesting is the very reason why this country is suppose to be so great. Our right to protest gives the people the power to change their country. That’s the entire purpose that this country was created for in the first place. 

Now we live in a police state where being black can get you shot. If you’re rolling your eyes at that, that means you have no clue what it’s like. It means you’ve never been oppressed therefore you think no one else is. That’s not how it works. Can you seriously justify the murders made by cops? Philando? Terrance?

No, you can’t. One of them was completely complying with police while the other was just trying to flag someone down because his car broke down. How can that be justified at all? You going to sit there and tell me, skin color had nothing to do with that? 

Racism is a state of mind I will never understand. I was born in California and blacks, Asians, and Hispanics were my classmates. I didn’t see them any differently than my white classmates. I walked to school with them and they were my playmates. How anyone can see them as different from us is foreign to me. That’s why the murders and treatment of the black community enrages me. I have biracial cousins and I fear them when they’re older. What will they face as adults? Who will mistreat them? Who will oppress them? How it will affect their self esteem or their dreams? The fact that I even have to worry about that in the year 2016 is jaw dropping. 

I’m a working class white American. I’m fully aware, being white has given me privilege. As just a working class American with a physically disabled husband, I’m struggling in this shitty economy but it’s nothing compared to the struggle black communities face every day. Just being black can get you abused by police officers. Statistics don’t lie. It’s a known fact that whites and blacks smoke marijuana at the same rate but blacks are arrested 4x more than whites for it. This is not made up. It is a statistical fact. 

No one is born racist. Racism is taught. Education is the key to removing racism. That’s a common thing with those of us who are white but are not racist. We were educated by decent human beings who actually saw the the world as one race, not several. 

Humans are one race. Our differences in skin color and culture does not change that fact. One particular skin color does not automatically make someone more violent by nature. We are not wild animals that can be classified that way. We’re human beings who are self aware and highly intelligent. One type of human is not inferior to another. We all bleed red. Our insides all look the same. 

So what do we do about police culture? It’s flawed and it needs to be changed. The system needs to be changed. Police culture has changed into an offensive force. They’re suppose to be a defensive force that protects the public from crime. That’s their purpose, to protect the public, not murder them. 

The first change that would need to happen is longer training. Six months in the academy is not nearly enough. Takes more than that to get a license in cosmetology. You know what kind of cops are better at deescalating a situation? The kind who started out in the military. They can assess a situation on the spot and know when it’s appropriate to reach for his weapon or use force. This is something a regular cop seems to fail to do. My father served two years in the army as an MP and earned a degree in criminal justice before he even entered the academy. He was loved by the community and good at his job. People didn’t fear him. They respected him. Perhaps we need to adjust how much and what kind of training our officers get. People are dying due to poor training. 

How many black people have to die before our leaders do something about this? What’s it going to take for our police to listen to our cries? How many more innocent people have to die before the police listen to us? 

I, for one, will never stop talking about it and will never stop standing up for others. I will continue to try and educate people. The more people who stand with us against racism, the more likely we might get them to listen to us. Until I see a change, I will never stop fighting for my fellow Americans. 

Instead of Trying to figure out #HowToConfuseAMillennial, Listen to a Millennial

I urge older generations who watch main stream media to stop watching it. Its propaganda, they’re leaving out the majority of context for most of what they report. They also don’t report on issues like the Dakota access pipeline and if they do, it’s very little. If you’re frustrated with Millennials and why we’re so angry, then you need to watch independent news. Please, I implore you to at least try watching other news sources and not Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. These are all controlled by the social elite and they don’t connect with the average American. There’s a reason why Millennials don’t watch those news networks. The average Fox News viewer are seniors. We have access to MASSIVE amounts of information on the Internet. The Internet is not what it was 15 years ago. We have YouTube, not just articles we’re reading. People are posting videos from their phones showing us the police brutality in its entirety, showing the protests in North Dakota Pipeline, etc. We have legitimate reasons to be angry and upset. We want our country to better. Please, we need you to help us. We need you to listen to us. We have strength in numbers. Take the time to listen to us just like how you demanded to be listened to during the civil rights movement. We’re continuing what you started. We admire what you did for civil rights back then. We need you to have our backs. We’re fighting for our future just like you fought for ours. 

Open Letter To The Santa Clara Police Union From a Cop’s Daughter 

I’m the daughter of a retired cop. My father was shot in the line of duty in 1987 when I was 5 years old. He was loved by the community and known for his kindness and service to the public. He was shot 5 times while trying to stop a bank robbery. He saved lives that day but unfortunately it was at the cost of his job and nearly his life. He had been shot 3 times in the arm, once in the knee and once in the head. Yes, he was shot in the head, through his left temple. He survived but was permanently brain damaged. This forever changed my family with the recovery and the seizure disorder my father developed as a result of his head injury. It was very common to see an ambulance in our driveway. There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your father have a seizure when you’re a young child. I grew up with this. My mother had to become the sole bread winner, work as a registered nurse, take care of two children, make sure the bills got paid and took care of a disabled husband. 

My mother is a rockstar by the way. 

Want to know the crazy thing? We have no regrets. We don’t harbor any resentments. My father was passionate about his work. Being a cop was everything to him. He loved protecting his community and serving justice fairly. Before he was shot, he was next in line to become detective. That was his dream. We understood as a family that there was a risk we could lose him while he was on duty. His job was dangerous. We KNEW this. HE knew this. My father did not do his job with the mindset of “I gotta make sure I get home safe”. He was focused on the community who paid his salary to protect them. My dad received the medal of valor for his heroic acts. He was an amazing cop. He had two years as an MP in the army as well as a college degree in criminal justice in addition to his 6 months in the academy. My dad had at least 4 years of training and education before he even wore a badge. My dad was a REAL cop. He was amazing. He’s my hero. 

Today, every single one of you who is counter protesting Colin Kaepernick are an absolute INSULT to my father. How DARE you. A man used his money and power to bring awareness to a REAL issue going on in our country that keeps getting swept under the rug. How dare you counter protest him. How dare you threaten to not want to protect the people of the stadium because you decided you wanted to throw a temper tantrum over his protest. I’m so disgusted by your behavior. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Your fellow officers are murdering people of his community. There’s video evidence to back it up. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, this is FACT. It’s FACT black men get arrested 4x more than white men for the same crime. It’s a fact. We aren’t making this shit up. 

All of you disgust me. You’re an insult to every single good cop out there. You’re nothing but cowards and history will remember you as such. 

Speak Up and Piss Someone Off. That’s How Change Happens 

It makes sense why some people will back off during controversial topics. They just don’t want the drama and they don’t want to ruffle feathers. Some people just want to live out there lives. 

I say fuck that, especially if you’re under the age of 40. Our country is being stolen by billionaires. Our police are murdering and bullying our citizens. Our elections are being stolen. The social elite are committing corruption right in front of our eyes and they just smile and pretend they’re not doing it. Fossil fuel companies are poisoning our drinking water. There was a giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico this year and mainstream news barely talked about it. There’s obvious signs of global warming and we can’t get our politicians to switch to renewable energy. Our military is being forced to murder and bomb innocent people. 

People are dying because of the actions of our country, so no, I will not sit down and be quiet. I will not stand for my national anthem. I will continue to speak out. I will continue to help bring awareness to the injustices happening in my country. I will continue to call people out on their misinformation. I will email my representatives and demand they actually represent Americans and not corporate America. Pissed at Kaepernick for sitting through the anthem? I will remind you he’s exercising his right as an American. Fan of Donald Trump? I will inform you just how dangerous he would be in the White House. Fan of Hillary? I’ll remind you of her incompetence and the fact she did not win the democratic primary, that she cheated and will provide you the resources to prove that fact. 

I don’t have a lot of money. I work at McDonald’s and my husband is out of work due to back injury pending surgery. I don’t have the resources to join protests like the Dakota Pipeline. All I can do is vote and bring awareness to Americans through my blog. Don’t let people bully you. Speak up when you see injustice. Record that police officer, email your congressmen, start a blog, follow politics so you’re informed with facts. We outnumber the social elite. They had us programmed with propaganda for a few decades. It’s time to show them we aren’t their paid slaves anymore. We’re people with dreams and aspirations. We have families and lives we are trying to live in a healthy way but it’s constantly spat on by the billionaire class. Don’t let them bully you. Speak up and piss someone off. That’s how change happens. 

America is NOT a Moral Country. It’s a Country that Allows War and Genecide

We charge drug dealers with murder when someone takes too much and OD’S. We want to execute a man who has a low iq and poor understanding because he drove a man who chose to kill someone. 

Why do we charge these people and even kill people for others crimes. 

Because this country isn’t a Christian country that cares. It isn’t a very moral country. It’s corrupt and going down a very bad path. 

I love my country and that is why I fight as much as I can to change the bad and do away with the corrupt. 

So, we have this idea, that we have taken action to carry out, to charge people for acts they enable others to do. 

Let’s put our the highest ranked politicians, those in charge of Intelligence, and everyone else involved in prison. Because they have armed terrorists, they arm country’s that freely bomb hospitals and schools. Because we have armed rebels recently who committed fucking genocide. 

All I want is some fucking decency from us as a country. We’re shitty on foreign and domestic policy. 

We can fund a drone program that kills 90% wrong targets but, to bring this to a relatable level, we can’t take care of someone like me. I can barely walk for ten minutes, my life saving medication went up over 400%, and I’ve been denied disability because they say if someone helps me I should be able to work. Which is why I was asking for fucking health. 

We love approving things that kill. Kill Muslims. Kill criminals. Kill our poor. Kill our disabled. But we are adamant that we can only afford to kill, it’s too expensive to help our own. 

We can give billions in the last several years to Saudi Arabia alone, including fucking tanks. A country that abuses it’s people. Bombs civilians. They funded 9/11 and 15 of the high jackers were Saudi. But we like their oil and so we fund the war crimes they commit. 

But we can’t afford to take care of ourselves. To invest in our infrastructure. To properly train all of our law enforcement. To provide health care for all. 

No, instead we will fight hard to approve the TPP. Which enables corporations to literally ignore local laws, even here in our country. They could decide to leave dangerous ingredients off the label, use child labor, and do anything they want. 

We need to save ourselves and our country. I want a future for me, my family, for this world.”
Author: Cameron Sills

This was a post my husband posted to his Facebook. We both have the same political views. 

A Message To The American Politicians Who Ignore Their People

Corporations are polluting our lands and causing drinking water to be undrinkable. Increased seismic activity is happening in areas where fracking has occurred. Sea levels are rising. Islands are sinking. Parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable. Sea life is dying due to large oil spills in the gulf coast (which the news hasn’t really been covering at all). 

The majority of Americans want universal healthcare, yet you ignore this. The majority of Americans want to stop fracking, yet you ignore us. The majority of Americans want to abandon fossil fuels, yet you ignore us. The majority of Americans want no more war, yet you ignore us. Our police our bullying and murdering us, yet you ignore us. 

Our country is like a sinking ship. We are shouting at you what we want and what needs to be done to help us. No one knows the people like the people themselves. You’re paid to represent us. When the fuck are you actually going to do it? When are you going to represent us? You’ve abandoned your people to represent corporations. 

You see, I think you believe nothing will change, that we will fall in line as usual. I hate to break it to you, but you’ve already lost your job. Maybe not now, but in the future, the more you keep representing corporations over your own people, the more likely you won’t get reelected. Even though we currently live in an oligarchy, that type of rule fizzles out as soon as the people are aware of it and they get to voting booths to make the change they want. That’s what happening this year. The people are informed and awake. They see through your greedy bull shit. We realized you aren’t fighting for us anymore. So guess what? 

You suck at your job. Prepare to fucking lose it. 

I Ask Hillary Supporters, Why Are You Okay with This?!

Personally, I don’t know anyone who supports Hillary. I have family who say they’re voting for her but not because they support her. It’s because they fear Trump and believe the Electoral College will never allow anyone else to win who isn’t a Democrat or Republican. Most of the people I know are either voting for Stein or Johnson. A few for Trump. Sometimes I think Hillary Supporters are like a rare Pokemon. Where the hell are they? I certainly haven’t heard of many working class people supporting her.

So I ask Hillary Supporters, why are you okay with this? Why are you okay with the fact she didn’t win the nomination honestly? There’s documented proof the DNC was in collusion with her campaign. It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore, it’s a fact. It’s a fact she lied about sending classified emails. It’s a fact she was careless with information that would put the U.S. at risk. This is proof with wiki leaks. It’s a fact she cheated yet you still want us to vote for her? Trump is not an excuse. It’s not our fault your candidate flip flops (which we have video evidence of) on issues and lies to the American people. All the evidence is there for you to read. All the information I just mentioned is public knowledge. You’re okay with that? You’re okay with bullying us at the convention, blocking out the voices of your own party members, covering their signs with yours, blocking them, telling them to shut up, etc. You’re okay with that? They were practicing their constitutional right. Protests at a political convention is not out of the ordinary. When the people protest in large numbers it is the job of our leaders to listen to them. They didn’t and YOU supported that corruption. Why? WHY?! 

I don’t understand it. You could easily take your vote to Jill Stein with the rest of the Bernie voters and we would trounce Trump in a landslide. Are you so desperate to see a woman in the Oval Office you’re willing to vote for a corrupted politician with a long string of scandals and evidence of it to boot? You’re okay with the fact that even though Debbie Wassermann Schultz resigned due to her obvious bias towards Clinton and proven guilt of her rigging the primaries, she got hired on by Hillary’s campaign? Are you seriously THAT desperate?? 

If you want a woman in office at least vote for an honest one. Your support of Hillary is a danger to this country. Rethink your choices because you’re voting for what exactly is wrong with politics in this country. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. One evil wants access to nukes and cut funding for climate change. The other evil want to continue the oligarchy and continue to bomb the Middle East. They would both be disastrous in different ways. It’s like putting a frog in pot of boiling water. You put a frog in boiling water, he’ll leap out immediately. That’s what Trump is like. He’s boiling water. You put a frog in cold water and slowly heat the water to boiling, the frog will slowly boil to death. That’s Hillary. Either way, we’re screwed. One just brings destruction quicker than the other. 

Please, avoid ALL destruction and help us get an honest woman in office. Don’t vote for Hillary. She ignored half the Democratic Party. She’ll ignore the other half, too. 

Cops Murder and Bully my Black Neighbor 

I am the most unbiased person to discuss the situation of the recent shootings. I’m the daughter of a retired cop. My father was shot in the line of duty, putting his life on the line to save others. He was shot by a black man. I was not raised to hate blacks. My mom did not tell me “a black man shot your father”. She told me a MAN shot my father. The only reason why i knew he was black was because of his picture I saw in the paper when I was a kid. Still, I didn’t think about his skin color at all. It just wasn’t how I was raised. 

Today cops see everything and everyone as a threat. That is not the police I remember as a child. The police are suppose to protect and serve. They’re SUPPOSED to put their lives on the line to protect US. That is IN their job description. My father almost died doing his job, protecting the public. He saved lives that day. He use to tell me funny stories of high speed pursuits he had with a teenager. He never pulled his gun when the kid finally pulled over. In fact, the kid pulled over in front of his own house and ran out to the house screaming “help! Mom the cops are after me!” My dad said he laughed hysterically in his cruiser. He rarely reached for his gun. That was a LAST resort. The way cops are today would disgust my father. My dad earned a medal of valor. He earned it because he did his job of protect and serve. Yes, it was traumatic going through all this because my father ended up being permanently brain damaged and could never work as a police officer ever again. We’ve almost lost him to seizures many times over the years. However, we have no regrets. We are proud of him. He loved being a cop and he did what he did because he believed in justice and protecting the citizens who looked to him for safety and security. Growing up, seeing a cop car was like a sigh of relief. I felt safe. 

Now I’m terrified of them and it makes me sick to my stomach. My dad was a real cop. A real hero with a medal of valor to prove it. These cops today are not cops. They’re mentally unstable criminals who should not own a gun. 

Please don’t misunderstand me. This is not in reference to the good cops out there (like the ones in Dallas). This is reference to all the cops we’ve seen bully and murder black Americans. 

Enough is enough. It’s time to protest and shout. It’s time to sign petitions and make demands that they change how they train our police. It’s time for them to protect and serve us again, not murder us out of irrational anxious fear.